Storied Gifts, Life Story Matters

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Book Launch For Dan Curtis. Home Again: A Soldier's Journey

On sunny Memorial Day 2017, we gathered at the Lone Tree, Iowa Cemetery to pay respects to fallen soldiers. Lt. Colonel Dan Curtis (retired) and other veterans officiated a service in their honor.

Soon after, we convened at Dan’s home to celebrate the completion of his book Home Again: A Soldier’s Story, where he chronicles stories of childhood and years as an Army officer. Amidst friends and family, Dan acknowledged vets of past wars whose voices are disappearing; many of their traditions and memories are falling away, too.

As Dan and I worked together, we realized the great loss of those memories and decided to make sure Home Again was available to the general public. Dan’s stories are an ode to those important to his life, but it is also a call to other veterans to share their history now.

Over cold cuts and beers, Dan met with his good friend and former Army officer Jerry Bowen, passing a word of gratitude for saving Dan’s life years before in Vietnam. They laughed about the twists and turns that have brought them to the present, and thought about those young men beside them who took to the sky to serve their country.

We were fortunate to receive the attention of local TV station KCRG.

Look for more details as Dan continues to share his book and stories.