Storied Gifts, Life Story Matters

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“Tell Me Another” (TMA) is a game for everyone. It’s a bold statement, but let’s dig in to explain. The rules provide game strategy (to appeal to the competitive types), while the storytelling permits those who are less competitive to enjoy group conversation.

My daughter Alex (who teamed up with me to create “Tell Me Another”) is the mastermind behind the rules because she is HUGELY competitive. She walked down all the possible roads of each rule scenario, testing with friends and family and tweaking with her inner tactical thrill to get it right for those who like to play games and win.  

But when it comes to game play, I fall in the peacemaker/collaborator camp. I lose track of game rules, mentally meander and get easily confused. I’ve been known to play a game and have no idea of what I’m doing, but am fine just so long as I’m participating.


What is the difference between competitors and peacemakers? I read Matthew Hutson’s piece in The Atlantic, titled “Why We Compete,” and realized the distinctions between the two might be nuanced. For example,  my effort to compare competitors versus peacemakers is a sort of “competition,” and we all most likely compete in particular areas of life if not in games.

Per Hutson’s article, we’re looking out to rate ourselves all the time. Who among us hasn’t measured our lives in contrast to others? Facebook blues, anyone? You look at your feed and think, “others are doing more interesting things, have more interesting lives,” etc.

As Hutson describes it, we humans have this innate need to be “better” than someone else. We don’t want to see ourselves listed on the bottom of any roster. In fact, in a world where we all could be equal and have plenty, we’d still feel slightly better if we were just a bit more.


Tell Me Another works well for all personalities because storytelling is the root of the game. The great news is that we’re all immersed in an everchanging storyline when it comes to stories we have to tell. There will always be something new to tell.

Unlike the Meyers-Briggs Personality types theory, new research suggests that we’re all a swath of personality traits. Over at the Big Think, Robby Berman outlines the latest view of personality into five trait buckets from which each of us ebbs and flows, mixing and matching characteristics based on internal and external forces.

The anacronym OCEAN stands for these qualities:

1.       Openness to experience

2.       Conscientiousness

3.       Extraversion

4.       Agreeableness

5.       Neuroticism


As I’ve aged, I’m less rule bound in many aspects of life, and this may have to do with my increased openness to experience.  However, “Tell Me Another” will cater to all the OCEAN personality traits no matter what. Whether it’s a conscientious type with the introspection to spin great tales, or an extrovert who loves to act each story out, or the agreeable type who can navigate the social element of the game, or the neurotic who meticulously strategizes the way to the finish line, this game was designed to be enjoyed by all.

Take a look at our Tell Me Another infographic to view possible game strategies while you play. All the rules are outlined in the deck as well, along with the characteristic, intriguing story prompts that will encourage you, your friends and family to think, tell and even bluff if it suits you.

Tell Me Another is the game for everyone to share around a table, in open seating at a party, or nestled around a fire. And you can choose to compete or just to enrich connections with the power of storytelling.